Natalie Portman | Psychology


The entertainment industry has introduced us to numerous child stars through the years. One such actress who has since maintained a successful career under the spotlight is Natalie Portman. She began her journey into the acting scene at 12 years old, debuting with the 1994 hit film Léon: The Professional.

Since then, she has garnered more widespread recognition thanks to her acting credit in titles like Marvel’s Thor films, Annihilation, and the Star Wars prequel trilogy. In between the latter film series production, the actress also made it a point to finish her studies. Thanks to her determination, Natalie graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. Well, it’s safe to say her time studying the subject played a big part in her preparation for 2010’s psychological feature, Black Swan – she won an Oscar for her performance, after all. Along the way, she also studied neurobiology and advanced Hebrew literature.
