Adam Sandler

Pets: Meatball, Matzoball,and Babu

House: Los Angeles | $28 Million

As a cast member on Saturday Night Live, Adam Sandler rose to national fame and went on making and starring in Hollywood movies, which have more than $2 billion of revenues at the box offices worldwide. In 2020, it was estimated that he has a net worth of $420 million—he will never need credit cards—and amazingly signed a further four-movie deal with Netflix for $250 million. That’s overflowing cash for the comedian-actor to buy as many properties as he likes, which included his Los Angeles home that’s worth $28 million.

The house boasts fourteen bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a massive yard with a pool and sports area. It also has an adjoining home which is 3,971 square feet that has four bedrooms and four bathrooms. Aside from properties, Sandler also loves dogs. Throughout his life, he has had three dogs. Meatball, his first bulldog, also appeared in the filmm Little Nicky. Then there’s Matzoball, a wedding gift from his wife in 2003. Currently, he has a female bulldog named Babu.
