

Artists of all genres are given a certain degree of freedom when creating artworks. While artists such as singers and musicians are free to devise their own master plan for extraordinary performance, certain things should be taken into consideration. In the case of ‘90s punk rock band Fear, it was the set’s cost.

During their performance for SNL’s Halloween Special back in 1981, the band invited a group of dancers to fill the mosh space in front of them. Let’s just say the dancers went a little too overboard and trashed the entire set. There was so much damage by the end of the group’s performance that they ended up on the show’s blacklist. The damage is said to have set back the team $20,000 to $40,000. Imagine that! We guess all of us could agree that banning the band from the show was the best course of action. Although their little stunt got them banned from SNL, the group continued to carry out the same antics in their own shows.
