Milton Berle


Milton Berle was already an established figure in Hollywood television, even before becoming a part of Saturday Night Live’s roster of guest talents. However, that wasn’t enough to secure his place with the show. Apparently, cast members and producers felt like the comedian was overdoing most of his segments. His staged standing ovations, in particular, didn’t sit well with most of the show’s members. In the end, Lorne Michaels decided to drop him from the show entirely. He even went as far as banning Berle’s episode from getting syndicated for over two decades. It’s unclear whether this move affected his income stream and credit score, but we can all agree that it was a big blow to his comedic career.

After appearing on the show back in 1979, Berle continued working on television. He managed to secure a couple of appearances in the ‘80s and ‘90s, including Amazing Stories and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
