Steven Seagal


So far, we’ve only told you about the celebrities who got banned from Saturday Night Live for their inappropriate jokes. Well, Steven Seagal’s case is a bit different.

The actor didn’t exactly make any controversial jokes. He just didn’t deliver any funny ones. The actor also doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to work ethics. According to some sources, SNL’s staff and crew found it incredibly difficult to work with Seagal. The actor also refused to make jokes about himself and would constantly complain about the script. In the end, SNL’s writers and producers collectively agreed to never invite him back to show. They did stick to their word. There hasn’t been any sign of Seagal since the actor’s appearance back in 1991. Even Lorne Micheals gave Seagal the credit of being the show’s most difficult celebrity guest host. We sincerely hope that the actor has grown some funny bone since appearing in the show.
