Sinead O’Connor

Pulling off a highly political statement in a comedy setting like Saturday Night Live is not something many of us expect. Sinead O’Connor thought otherwise, though.

Instead of sticking to the rehearsed performance, O’Connor decided to shock the show’s producers by tearing apart a picture of the then-Catholic Pope while uttering the words “fight the real enemy.” According to sources, the singer decided to carry out such a bold act to shed some light on the issues surrounding the church’s inappropriate actions. Although her accusations proved true, they still earned her a spot among SNL’s banned celebrities. Despite becoming known for, what is now, SNL’s most controversial episode, O’Connor still went on to have a successful career and increased her credit score.The singer is no longer as active as she used to be, but there’s no doubt that she left a lasting legacy, thanks to her bold statement on SNL.
