Paris Hilton

Pets: Peter Pan, Prada, Dollar and Marilyn Monroe

House: Malibu, California | $8.4 Million

If there is anyone on the list who can splurge and spend $320,000 on a dog house, that is Paris Hilton. The hotel heiress is not exactly known for her prudent money management skills as she has lived a lavish lifestyle for so long. One thing she spends a lot of money on are her pets, which have been many over the years. Some of them are Peter Pan, Prada, Dollar, and Marilyn Monroe.

When it comes to her own houses, Hilton does not skimp. She is the proud owner of a beach house in Malibu. The Cooking with Paris star paid $8.4 million for the handsome house, which has three bedrooms. What is more astonishing is that that price, while steep for some, is not that high for the area, so Hilton got herself a good deal. The courtyard outside the house is also good for all the pets they have.
