Zac Efron


House: Los Feliz | $5.3 Million

Greatest Showman actor, Zac Efron, does not strike us as a dog person, but he is. In fact, he is a firm believer in the mantra, adopt, don’t shop. Also, the actor appears to be politically inclined as well, as he named the dog he adopted back in 2018 as MACA, perhaps a play of MAGA, Make America Great Again. Either way, we believe that Efron has a great degree of love for animals, hence the adoption of the fur baby.

It seems that the singer is moving countries as he recently sold his house in the plush Los Feliz neighborhood for $5.3 million. The house has four bedrooms and is privately tucked away in a hillside. It features a great view of the Los Angeles downtown skyline and is a perfect home for the busy life lived by the American actor. Nonetheless, we will see how things pan out as he dropped $2 million for a land Down Under.
