Betty White | Born: 1922

Out of all the veteran actresses in Hollywood today, it’s safe to say that Betty White is among, if not the most well-loved. Believe it or not, but the actress has been working in the industry for a remarkable 91 years, trailblazing her way into the industry as she goes.

White started earning acting credits when she was only 8 years old. Her first project was on the radio show Empire Builders, broadcasted on December 22, 1930. However, just like the many celebrities of her time, White had to put a pause on her career to serve in the military. When the second world war ended, White went back to work building her acting portfolio. She began hosting in 1950 and later established her own production company called Bandy Productions. A slew of acting and hosting works soon followed. The actress is now nearing her 100th birthday. However, she continues to work in the industry just like she did 91 years ago.
