Mickey Rourke | Born: 1952

Born Philip Andre Rourke Jr., Mickey Rourke had quite a career. He had a bit of an odd start. Rourke started as an actor, only to shift to boxing and eventually go back to acting again. His acting prowess was first recognized in the film Body Heat. However, he finally broke through for his sensational acting in the film 9 ½ Weeks. In the 1970s, after Rourke decided to pursue acting, he moved to New York under the guidance of Sandra Seacat. Rourke was well-praised for his performance in Barfly and Angel Heart. Before Rourke became an actor, he was a skillful boxer; in 1991 he left acting to focus on the sport. After three years, he retired from boxing and went on to land several minor roles.

Now 69 years old, Mickey Rourke can safely say he’s had a career he can be proud of — and who knows, he may just win another Academy Award in the future.
